small-town gay life and death : marketing infertility drugs : signals from the Pleiades : why helvetica is my friend : how not to breed

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I never did finish the VV story--

So the parking lot was mostly full, except for a spot right next to the one reserved for wheelchairs, right in front of the entrance to the store. About six spaces distant was another open spot. Me and this mom with child arrived at the crucial corner at about the same time; I let her go first, and she passed the first spot.

One of these kind of lots if you saw it from the air:


Those are all the stripes. Anyway, I assumed she was going somewhere else; I pulled into the nearer parking spot. She turned her car around, and just as I set the parking brake, she honked--all offended; I'd stolen her parking space! A bit dismayed, but knowing of the second spot, I moved my car. I walked right by her as she got out to load her kid into a stroller; she wouldn't even look at me. Not sure what I would've said; seemed like a case of projection to say the least. I had given her ample opportunity to take the spot, or so I'd thought. I am consciously trying to avoid confrontation, with everyone, all the time. I'm am no doubt in need of tons of mind control. Anyway so here it seems was a case of merely EXISTING, being grounds for anger.
share with the world something honey, go on. share it. share the wealth. share the poverty. share all of it. share it so it don't survive, wear it, wear it...chorus. let me here it, share it.

first Ranger in line at the exit gate to parking,
first parking goddess in history comes to life,
first gps guided mission trip,
first gasp of visility in ages w/o the benefit of celebrity.

first time in the East wing of Swedish.
more nurses than Rock Hudson I'll bet.
not the first time on that floor for sure.
first coffee at that new hope on Cap Hill!

First in a longtime at MSs without going for a dip.
First time I plugged my PDA into his outlets and that's for sure.
Make them suffer, make them pay!
first time paying the gas bill in ages last week.

I am so unkind to an audience.
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