I'm Getting Nothing for Christmas


I'm getting nothing for Christmas

Mommy and Daddy are mad

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

'Cause I ain't been nothing but bad

I stole some pizza from the box

Somebody snitched on me

Chewed a book, a toy, some socks

Somebody snitched on me

Next year I'll be going straight

Next year I'll be good just wait

Oooh what's that on Jordan's plate

Oh somebody snitched on me

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

Mommy and Daddy are mad

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

'Cause I ain't been nothing but bad

I tried to steal the bunny's kale

Somebody snitched on me

I yanked my sleeping brother's tail

Somebody snitched on me

Next year I will really try

I won't shred paper or steal pizza pie

I won't make all the flowers die

Oh somebody snitched on me

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

Mommy and Daddy are mad

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

'Cause I ain't been nothing but bad

I chewed Barbie's arms and legs

Somebody snitched on me

I stole chocolate Easter eggs

Somebody snitched on me

I ate bunny's hay and threw it up

I chewed Jordan's Hercules cup

I was such a naughty pup

Oh somebody snitched on me

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

Mommy and Daddy are mad

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

'Cause I ain't been nothing but bad

I wouldn't leave the knives alone

Somebody snitched on me

I chewed up Mommy's cordless phone

Somebody snitched on me

Next year I will try so hard

I won't destroy my Mommy's yard

Or chew up all the Christmas cards

Oh somebody snitched on me

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

Mommy and Daddy are mad

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

'Cause I ain't been nothing but bad

I unlocked the door and snuck outside

Somebody snitched on me

I threw up whenever I went for a ride

Somebody snitched on me

I won't embarrass my Mommy in class

I won't dig up the brand new grass

Or pull fur from Jean-Luc's <BLEEP>

Oh somebody snitched on me

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

Mommy and Daddy are mad

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

'Cause I ain't been nothing but bad

When Mommy vacuumed, I pulled the plug

Somebody snitched on me

I made Jordan gag by eating bugs

Somebody snitched on me

Next year when Christmas grows near

I won't have a thing to fear

I'll even give up stealing beer

Oh somebody snitched on me

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

Mommy and Daddy are mad

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

'Cause I ain't been nothing but bad

Left in the car, I honked the horn

Somebody snitched on me

I barked and barked in early morn

Somebody snitched on me

Santa give me one more chance

I won't dig up my Mommy's plants

And then perform my happy dog dance

Oh somebody snitched on me

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

Mommy and Daddy are mad

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

'Cause I ain't been nothing but bad

I pulled some branches off the tree

Somebody snitched on me

When I got mad on my leash I peed

Somebody snitched on me

Next year I'll be good I swear

I won't chew daddy's underwear

When I play with brother I'll fight fair

Oh somebody snitched on me

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

Mommy and Daddy are mad

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

'Cause I ain't been nothing but bad

I made my poor, sweet Jordan cry

Somebody snitched on me

I never had a good alibi

Somebody snitched on me

I'll stop getting muddy and wet

I'll try and be the perfect pet

I'll never grab my daddy's omelette

Oh somebody snitched on me

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

Mommy and Daddy are mad

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

'Cause I ain't been nothing but bad

I almost drove my mommy mad

Somebody snitched on me

I annoyed my tired, overworked dad

Somebody snitched on me

Mommy's hoarse from yelling at me

I destroyed her lilac tree

And annoyed the company

Oh somebody snitched on me

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

Mommy and Daddy are mad

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

'Cause I ain't been nothing but bad

I helped myself to the cookie bag

Somebody snitched on me

I chewed up all the new dishrags

Somebody snitched on me

To my Mommy I won't be rude

I won't keep stealing the kitty's food

I'll try and have a good attitude

Oh somebody snitched on me

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

Mommy and Daddy are mad

I'm getting nothing for Christmas

'Cause I ain't been nothing but bad

I ate Mommy's half-read mystery book

Somebody snitched on me

And stole the soup while it did cook

Somebody snitched on me

If I can have just one little bone

For my sins I will atone

I'll even leave the kitties alone

Oh somebody snitched on me

I won't chew Jordan's new tea set

I won't be bad while at the vets

I'll be good--won't forget

Oh somebody snitched on me

I will try to not act vile

I won't get all crazy and wild

I won't take advantage of the small child

Oh somebody snitched on me

Next year I will win awards

I won't chew up any more boards

Or puke in my Mommy's Accord

Oh somebody snitched on me

Next year I will be the best

Me be bad--you surely jest

I might even let my Mommy rest

Oh somebody snitched on me


-Lt. Woof (aka the bad dog)


Main Page

Thumper & Misty Lola Bunny

Buster Bunny

The FifiBunny

The FoofiiBunny

Lt. Woof

Ode to a Bad Dog

Lt. Woof & Jean-Luc


The Kitties

My Budgies

My Favorite Links

Twelve Days of Bunny Christmas

Northwest Summer Day