Hot Asphalt Logo Top 10 HAC Competitors

P. 32

As long as there's competition, there will always be a need to know who's the best. The AADA is no different, with its countless tournaments and statistical ratings. Being the best, or at least being recognized for one's skills, is all part of the game the players use for their ratings scores and endorsement contracts. Ego and flash combine with skill and statistics to form a consensus on who's the best in the land.

But be wary! Public opinion changes regularly. Those who rest on their laurels may find themselves yesterday's news!
Key to statistical definitions.

Unless otherwise stated, all stats are for the current season only.

Year: Current Duelling Season.
Duels: Number of duels entered this season.
Wins: Number of duels won.
WP: Winning Percentage, wins divided by duels.
Clone: Number of time a duellist has had to use a clone.
SP: Survival Percentage, clones divided by duels.
THA: Tp Hit Average, hits divided by number of shots.
CKA: Combatants Killed Average. Lifetime average of opponents killed per duel.