A little bit about Nuts & Volts magazine

I started writing for N&V back in 1992. The magazine's subtitle is: Exploring Electronics and Technology For The Hobbyist and Professional. I think it's a great mag, filled with lots of interesting columns and articles (not just mine), and look forward to reading it each month.

Nuts & Volts
430 Princeland Ct.
Corona, CA 91719

voice: (800) 783-4624, (909) 371-8497
FAX: (909) 371-3052

email: editor@nutsvolts.com
Web page: http://www.nutsvolts.com

If you would like to order back issues, use the 800 number above. Note that you must provide the month and year of the issue you want. The N&V staff isn't set up to handle requests for "that article about the switching power supply." I've also prepared an index of articles to help you.

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