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Authentic? Not. After eating another round at an Italian restaurant, it occurred to me that this is often inherently non-dairy, and I could just leave out the pesky olives, which I dislike and which tend to give me heartburn.


1 Clove Garlic
2-3 Tbsp Onion
1 Roma Tomato


Fresh Basil

You can substitute dried basil if you're desperate.


2 or 3 slices Artisan bread

The crunchier the crust, the better


Fresh ground black pepper
1 Tbsp Olive Oil

Lay the slices of bread on a broiler or baking sheet. Strew basil, garlic and onion and tomatos, in that order. Grind black pepper over the top. Drizzle with olive oil. Place in a cold oven. Turn to 350 degrees. By the time it comes up to temperature, it should be ready to eat. Alternatively, you can toast in a toaster oven. A surprising number of children will eat this if you call it tomato toast.

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Copyright Rebecca Allen, 2002.

Created January 13, 2002
Updated January 13, 2002