Melissa, the Physical Therapist

Melissa has always been a hard worker and certainly has the grades to prove it. She graduated top of her class in "PT" (Physical Therapy) school but the cool thing about her is how nice she is. She is very fun to hang out with or go out to eat with (if you happen to like Indian or Thai food - her two favorites right now). My shoulder is sore and I just went over to her house and she gave me some exercises to do. It is getting better already. Thanks Lis.

Melissa is also the quickest walker I have ever seen. If you are planning to go on a walk with her, plan for a jog. I know I am getting old but I swear, she walks a 7 minute mile. However, she is very fun to be with so just bring your running shoes. She is worth it.

Melissa Living room
she_walks_and_you_jog view_from_front_door

Living room facing front door Kitchen
view_facing_door cozy_kitchen

Bedroom Gifts from her Uncle
bedroom_and_door_to_bathroom her_uncle_is_me

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