
Where to start? Bill has known my family for longer than I have been alive. He was always hanging around with my older brothers, that he soon was just another brother. He used to take my younger sister Diane and I out for car rides, when no one else would want to be seen with two young kids. I remember going out in his orange convertible with the push-button transmission. I had never seen one before or since. I remember him giving our dog, Tubby, pizza but only after making him climb a tree to get it. He was the first person I'd ever seen: Riding a motorcycle; Going fishing by himself; Hiking by himself because no one else could go when he wanted to go; Driving 35 miles to get a pizza and then going back home. He taught me that while it is nice to have friends, it is better if you can be independent and have fun on your own as well. Heck, the darn guy is almost 62 and he went on a motorcycle trip with my nephew Sam, down to Arizona and back to Sumner.

He has also taught me about family values. Not that I didn't have other teachers as well but Bill was (and is) never afraid to show others how he loves his family. A long time ago, Bill converted to Christianity. I have probably enjoyed Bill's previous life even more than his Christian life but either way it would be a close toss-up. Bill has embraced his Christianity with fervor and certainity. I may not always agree him but I cannot imagine a better friend to have.

Random pictures

Bill and Billy Tuning up the motorcycle
billy_visiting_his_uncle tinkering

Bill and Sam sitting outside Padre Stadium Feeding ducks in the snow
cold_in_san_diego ducks_galore

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