MusicGuide, Inc.

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MusicGuide's CGI FAQs

What is a CGI script?

CGI stands for "Common Gateway Interface." It's essentially a standardized way for various software applications to communicate with a webserver. CGI scripts allow a website to have features other than static files and text links. CGIs can be written in a number of programming languages, depending in part on the type of webserver. Examples include Perl, C, and Applescript (with a Mac server).

What can CGI scripts do?

Lots of different things. A common example is the clickable images that are found on nearly every web page. The capability of mapping an image, so that a different link is followed depending on where the visitor clicks, is handled by a CGI script. Other common examples include guestbooks, forms that are emailed, hit counters, and any sort of interface with a database. Basically, any functionality that a computer can have could theoretically be made available on a web site through a CGI.

Do I need to think about CGIs for my website?

Yes, at least if you're designing it yourself. If you want your site to be interactive in any way besides basic text links. Some common CGIs are readily available for free, such as an image mapping CGI, but even these may require customizing. For more complex operations, such as use of a database, you'll need to have some custom CGIs.

What's the difference between a CGI and an ACGI?

ACGI stands for "Asynchronous Common Gateway Interface." This basically means that the CGI application is capable of doing more than one thing at a time. Many CGIs that are actually ACGIs are still just referred to as "CGIs."

Where can I learn More about CGIs?

Here's a list of resources that should get you started. Feel free to email us with specific questions about the CGIs you might need for your website.

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