Spring 1998

Information for Studies

In the order performed in class

Description of StudyName of Researcher(s) & Year Names of Local Experts
boys' camp study Sherif (1956) Lily, Mark, Chrissy, Ryan
tv & modeling Bandura, Ross, & Ross (1963) Erica, Rachel, Kathryn, Jon
shock (learning experiment) & obedience to authority Milgram (1963) Liz, Gordon, J.C., Sandra
responsibility, helping others or not helping Darley & Latane (1968) Veronica, Jerrilin, Curtis
lines, conformity to group pressure Asch (1955) Nathan, Ken, Joe, Ariana, Danielle
prison, roles Haney, Banks, & Zimbardo (1973) Susan, Sheila, Brendan, Moira, Eric
foot-in-the door Cialdini Jason

How to refer to studies in the paper:

In the boys' camp study...

Sherif (1963) found...

Physical separation has been shown to lead to in-group unity (Sherif, 1963).

(Look at your study and see how they refer to other studies.)