Zen Shoes

Haiku.... the pillars are wide
Having appeared within the smooth
The smooth lines of the garden sand

Pulling with rake in hand
Who made this breath so slow
Quiet has come and has made us peace

Now we know what true enlightenment is
To rake the sand and watch the grooves
The handle becomes one with us

The more one rakes the more one sees
Remain observant of the breath
All things pass by without judgment

Ranier.... the path is wide
Having appeared within the rough
The rough lines of the mountain path

Walking with no thought in mind
Who made this breath so slow
Quiet has come and made us peace

Now we know what true enlightment is
To walk the path and watch the grooves
The path becomes one with us

To meditate means to do the walking
Walking in empty shoes with no emblem
The perfect circle on the ankle bone

The treads with the shape of tires
Grab the earth and make the speed
Black is the color between each of these

The more one walks the more one sees
Remain observant of the breath
All things pass by without judgment

Copyright 1995 Robert Luttrell
